Use "dike|dikes" in a sentence

1. Lieutenant Dike.

2. Those dikes have burst.

3. The 1953 dike disaster

4. Longtime Construction of Dikes

5. Huge sea dikes were constructed to protect the lower land behind the dikes

6. SpillBlockers, Berms, Dikes & Barriers

7. We'll cut the dike here!

8. I live near the dike.

9. Now take the red-handled dikes...

10. Who Looks After the DIKES?

11. The floods caved in that dike.

12. Somehow, I made it to the dike, dove over the dike, and there was my whole squad.

13. Dike to collect larger liquid spills.

14. Through all the great dikes Hamburg has

15. Where can we cut the dikes?

16. The dam burst dike burst.

17. The name Kinderdijk is Dutch for "Children dike".

18. But a dike is not a roof.

19. A crack in the dike will do

20. Existing Infrastructure Dam or dike Main road

21. A crack in the dike will do.

22. Dikes and roads are not exactly the same problem.

23. The dike swarm converges on West Spanish peak.

24. The dike held during the flood.

25. The floods found a vent through the dikes.

26. The dike around the shop complex had broken.

27. Dreams are water seeping through cracks in the dike.

28. A small wooden bridge straddled the dike.

29. 1.36 Ga granite dikes in Amphibolite (Blue Creek East Rt

30. " The Mississippi River broke through a protective dike today. "

31. The dike has been a great protection to Holland.

32. Soon, we moved, and I walked over a dike.

33. Little Dutch boy's keeping the blood dike from bursting.

34. Dikes and drainage systems need to be maintained and sometimes repaired.

35. Several mineralization types with economic potential were identified, including high-grade veins, carbonatite dikes, fenitic selvages of the carbonatite dikes, and altered syenite and other host rocks.

36. The geological age of these dikes is probably about 1250 Ma.

37. The dike rocks display rather high BaO-contents.

38. That winter they started to rebuild the dike.

39. In the left dikes in the inner wall of Monte Somma.

40. In addition also some three dike seven bridges another beauty.

41. This includes the dike pathway and roads in the vicinity.

42. Canal standardization, cross - strait dike is flat, river water is clear.

43. They have proposed building a temporary dike around the crash site.

44. Alongside its banks, dikes protect the peasants living on the plain below.

45. Immediate securing of damaged preventive infrastructures such as dams and dikes.

46. Different dike-lithologies are associated with different strike directions.

47. That breach in the dike opened up the floodgates.

48. They dug a dike along walls of the school.

49. The most impressive form of intrusive is the dike.

50. These polders would be flooded if the dikes were not constantly maintained.

51. With Buck off the line, there was no alternative to Dike.

52. Cabalantian was being protected by government-built dikes designed to stem the lahar.

53. The dike prevents material loss and allows recovery and reuse.

54. The dike that is protected by Mangrove forest is impregnable!

55. " Before long, you pass a dike, " then you get to the Mekong Bridge

56. Swollen by torrential rain, rivers overflowed their banks, breaking dikes and destroying bridges.

57. These rocks occur as small dikes or isolated veins within cumulus gabbros.

58. Send scouts to map the waterline and then count the fallen dikes.

59. The picturesque windmills of the Netherlands pumped water out of dike-enclosed lowlands.

60. Mapping and drilling indicates that occasional shoshonite and Banakite dikes occur adjacent and

61. Built mostly behind dikes, large parts of the Rotterdam are below sea level.

62. Enough already with this dike, several blockades the places around your life, some restraints

63. We gathered around a paddy dike and exchanged greetings and impressions.

64. (noun) An example of a Crevasse is a deep crack in a dike.

65. Absorbent socks, pillows, dikes, pans, skimmers and pulp for handling leaks and spills

66. American Daryl Dike scores 3rd goal during loan to Barnsley American forward Daryl Dike scored his third goal for Barnsley, a right-footed shot from just inside the penalty area that curled past

67. Without dunes and dikes, this blue area would be flooded most of the time

68. River embankments broke in 70 places, destroying 27 bridges, while about 105 dikes were destroyed.

69. The margins of dike Apophyses, sediment reentrants, and strike and dip irregularities

70. “Dam it, dike it, drain it, divert it” became their clarion call.

71. The dike around the shop complex had broken. Water was gushing in.

72. Furthermore, erosion and enhanced hydrodynamic forces counteract bioaccumulation in this lagoon cramped by dikes and causeways.

73. The lava of the dikes is somewhat more resistant to erosion than the rest.

74. This dike system is recognized on the basis of a well defined aeromagnetic lineament.

75. When you're done with that, can you help me plug the hole in this dike?

76. Backfill of the temporary dike at Eastmain-1-A powerhouse’s water intake has been completed.

77. Mother and youngsters on a dike near Kota Bharu, Malaysia, set out to transplant seedlings.

78. Danger to the dikes made necessary the evacuation of ten of our congregations in the Netherlands.

79. This age-old system of water boards ensures that the dikes are well cared for.

80. Beyond the gate running south-east, the dike continued as Sint Antoniesdijk (now Sint Antoniesbreestraat).